We are a small but mighty collection of thinkers, dreamers, and activators.

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What is a Symbiotic Neighbourhood?

A symbiotic neighbourhood transcends the traditional boundaries of human-centric urban planning, recognising that communities are not just composed of humans but encompass a rich tapestry of flora, fauna, and natural systems. It is a dynamic and inclusive ecosystem where residents, businesses, local organisations, and the environment collaborate harmoniously to create a resilient and regenerative community.

Key characteristics of a symbiotic neighbourhood may include:

  • Integration with Nature: Symbiotic neighbourhoods prioritise the preservation and restoration of natural habitats, incorporating green spaces, urban forests, and biodiversity corridors into their urban fabric.

  • Climate Resilience: Recognising the urgency of climate change, symbiotic neighbourhoods adopt adaptive strategies such as green infrastructure, flood-resistant design, and drought-tolerant landscaping to prepare for the challenges of a changing climate.

  • Ecological Stewardship: Residents of symbiotic neighbourhoods embrace their role as stewards of the environment, practicing sustainable land use, resource conservation, and habitat restoration to enhance ecological health and biodiversity.

  • Multispecies Coexistence: In symbiotic neighbourhoods, efforts are made to create habitats that support a diversity of species, fostering coexistence and mutual benefit between humans and wildlife.

  • Community Engagement: Symbiotic neighbourhoods prioritise inclusive and participatory decision-making processes, empowering residents to shape the future of their communities through collaborative initiatives and civic engagement.


Driven by a deep-rooted fascination with the potential for regenerative design within the built environment, Hannah embarked on a journey of exploration that led her to pursue a Master's degree in Regenerative Design at CSM (Central Saint Martins). Initially captivated by the opportunities for regeneration at the building scale, her focus soon expanded to encompass the broader context of cities.

Recognising the importance of interconnectedness as ecosystem urban neighbourhoods, Hannah founded the Symbiotic Neighbourhood as a platform to promote collaboration and innovation at the intersection of community engagement and social-ecological governance. Drawing inspiration from principles of symbiosis found in nature, Symbiotic Neighbourhood seeks to nurture mutually beneficial relationships between residents and local authorities, fostering a collective ethos of stewardship and resilience.